TVC Matrix MCA Motor Club of America

TVC Matrix MCA Motor Club of America

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

TVC Matrix associates take a trip in search of Rhino horns

One of the hottest trends for TVC Matrix associates is tourism. We love experiential trips that allow travelers to place themselves in increasingly unique situations, sometimes helping do a greater good in the process. MCA sales have doubled since 2006 and gave us the opportunity to get up close and personal with living breathing rhino's which are the latest evolution of tourism-driven conservation. One of the Big Five animals that are a must-see for safari-goers (along with the lion, elephant, leopard, and water buffalo), the rhino is an icon of Africa, as symbolic as America's eagle. But it is also one of the world's most endangered species. More precious than gold, rhino horns sell on the black market for upwards for $30,000 a pound, fueled by demand from the Far East. The high demand for rhino horns is something that MCA Motor Club of America associates are really intrigued by and want to be a part of the earnings. We learn that the horn is coveted as an aphrodisiac, a hangover remedy, and a cure for cancer, despite the fact that is possesses no medicinal value. South Africa is home to about 80% of the world's remaining rhino population, which totals just over 20,000, but it's dwindling numbers shock: Between 2000 and 2007 an average of 15 rhinos a year were lost to poaching, but by 2010 that had jumped to 333. In 2012, 448. Last year, 668. This year poachers are on pace to slaughter as many as 1,000 rhinos. MCA associates can serve as veterinarian's assistants by helping notch a rhino's ears.

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